

2016台湾青少年领袖高峰会第二天早上,韩哲克(中层左图)分享「热情」讲题后,由大会顾问谢智谋(中层右图)老师回应。 (摄影/记者蔡宜倩)

▲热情比兴趣更深! 点燃我们付上牺牲代价的火花






他不可能在24小时内,徒步走那么多地方,所以他买了一台便宜的脚踏车。他也去到不同的店,看谁是最早、最晚开门,以及哪家店有最长的排队人潮动线。那天起,他早上4点鐘就骑脚踏车出门了。 他算了一下发现,必须每7分鐘就到达另一间的星巴克,才能在24小时内完成这个目标;他也决定每间店都要点一些东西来吃或喝。





▲热情比兴趣更深! 点燃我们付上牺牲代价的火花



热情, 不可能从自己灵魂的井裡面,往裡挖深点就能挖到;也不可能今晚睡觉想说:「我再努力点,明天早上就会有热情。」因为,热情或目的比个人感受,还要更深刻。











▲带出行动! 没有人因行动太渺小,就不能产生改变




What I want to talk about today is the core, driving force behind every successful human being on earth. Some people call this “purpose”, I call it “passion.”

I would like to tell you a story about someone named Mark. Mark spent two months planning to take 24 hours to visit all 171 Starbucks coffee shops in Manhattan, New York that are open to the public. He bought a cheap bike (because, of course, he couldn’t reach all 171 coffee shops on foot), and he went to many of the stores to research closing and opening times, as well as which ones had the longest lines. The day he began, he woke up at about 4:30 a.m., and started biking. He figured out that he had to arrive at a different Starbucks every seven minutes during those twenty hours, and he had to consume at least part of what he ordered while in the store to accomplish his goal. At one of the stores, he showed up four minutes after closing time, and had to bribe a worker eighty dollars to let him in. At one point, he even had to have a friend of his come and drive him around because his body was shutting down from the overexertion and the caffeine consumption.

Mark said that he got home at about 4 a.m. the next day and fell asleep at 7 a.m. By the way, on CNN he said, “I actually don’t drink coffee, which makes this thing completely insane.” What really struck me was the reaction of Dan Lewis, the Starbucks spokesperson of that region. When he was asked in a New York Daily News interview about Mark’s stunt he said, “We appreciate Mark’s passion, and we applaud his creativity and commitment.” So now he’s famous for being passionate, but what is he passionate about? Coffee? He said he doesn’t even drink coffee. This is what I would call a misguided passion – or an interest in his 15 minutes of fame.

Well, for a short time,  Mark was famous, but what did he accomplish? I must admit, his story sounds amusing, but wouldn’t it have been better to maybe have gone to 171 of Manhattan’s biggest organizations and raise money to do some good? What if someone like him who had the drive to do something his friends said was impossible – something that might even appear foolish -- decided to tackle something for the good of others? At first, I thought that he set a good example of what passion or drive looks like, but as I dug deeper I learned he was an aspiring comedian and filmmaker.  His “passion” turned out to really be an interest in getting some attention that might help launch his career.

I wonder if sometimes we embrace something as an interest or passion just because it’s odd, or just because it will get us attention, or just because.

I believe words have meaning and power.  I think there is a difference between interest and passion. Interest is purely emotional or intellectual; purely human. It’s not a bad thing necessarily, but it is not necessarily good either. People are interested in many things – and many of them are trivial and small.

One good way to measure whether something is an interest or a passion, is to ask would I sacrifice for my interests? Would I give away money and time and blood to a cause that I merely express interest in?” I think the answer is no.

So, what is passion, really? And if it’s different from interest, and interest is a human feeling, then where does passion come from? I’m sure others may have a different definition of passion, and they’ve probably lived more years than I and have greater wisdom, but for our purpose today, let’s consider that passion is deeper than interest.  Let’s even say that our passion drives us to do our life’s work – the very thing we may be on this earth for. It is a stirring deep in us that moves us to make sacrifices to further that passion.  You can’t just dig down deep inside and try to somehow draw out passion from the well of your soul.  You can’t go to bed tonight hoping that if you try hard enough you will be more passionate tomorrow, because passion is so much more than a simple, human feeling. 

Passion is ignited when a spark of information – or someone else’s passion – gets close enough to your heart to cause your passion to burst into flame. Passion is flammable and it tends to grow when the flames are gathered together.

Sometimes, passion may require going against the grain, against the opinions of many others. It might result in us sticking up for something or someone no matter what the cost. Passion, unlike interest, does not come from merely liking something or having fun while doing it. Passion is ultimately being willing to give up something of ourselves – our time, our resources, our comfort, for something or someone.

It sometimes seems that the things people my age and younger are passionate about are things that we should simply be interested in, and the things that we are interested in are things that we should truly be passionate about. Think about the social media life of my generation (and perhaps many of you as well.) The things we get excited about – the things we spend our energy on – the things we argue about may be very petty. Sometimes we need to turn it upside down. We need to be passionate about the things that matter, and interested in the things that are temporary. My generation is a very interested generation, but we have such amazing potential for passion.

Do you want to be passionate? Do you want to be excited to wake up  in the morning? Do you want to inspire others to greatness? Do you wish you were so excited about a project or a purpose that you had a hard time getting to sleep at night?  I know my answer is yes to each of these questions. I hope yours is, too. If you’ll stick with me through this talk I think you’ll find these stories will ignite a passion within you.

Anyone. who has ever changed the world has been passionate. There are very few people who have been wildly successful or helped a lot of people without it being something they care about very deeply. Here’s an example. There once was a little Irish girl named Amy. Amy Carmichael grew up in the late 1800s as the oldest daughter of two devout Christians in Ireland. As a little girl, Amy desperately wanted blue eyes, but her eyes were brown. She had been taught by her mother that if she prayed, God would answer – I know this may sound strange to some of you, but this was Amy’s deeply held belief. So one night, before bed, Amy prayed that God would give her eyes of “smiling Irish blue.” In the morning, she expectantly hopped out of bed and ran to the mirror only to find out that her eyes were still brown. And she was devastated. This ended up playing a very important part in her story later on.

Amy struggled with a sickness called neuralgia – a disease of the nervous system that resulted in moments of sharp, stabbing pain.  Her illness made it hard for her to work, and her family continued to struggle financially, forcing them to move to try to find a better situation.  Even while her own family was having difficulty, Amy felt as though she should go out into the world and help the poor. Her heart was heavily burdened for those who suffered under the weight of extreme poverty. She said she had dreams of a voice, as loud as if he was standing besides her telling her to “Go.”

She traveled around a bit, eventually ending up in India. There, she learned that many girls were sold by their families, or just given up to the temples to serve as slaves and treated terribly. She made a decision to start rescuing these children from slavery, dedicating her life to seeking Justice.

Now here’s the interesting part: in India, it would be hard for a white, Irish person to move about without drawing attention to herself. So Amy wore a Sari, the traditional dress of women in india and dyed her skin darker with tea bags. Amy realized that when she had prayed years earlier and asked for blue eyes, she’d been praying for the wrong thing. Her brown eyes made her disguise more convincing.  If she would have had blue eyes, she would have been easy to spot and wouldn’t have been able to rescue anybody. She began to understand that her brown eyes were a gift.

Amy rescued or cared for hundreds of girls and boys who had been abused and oppressed throughout her lifetime. All of them called her Amma- which means mother. They were all her children, and she took care of them with that kind of tender care.

What I think is very interesting is that, all of us have weaknesses. All of us have obstacles that we feel get in the way of us pursuing a passion, doing something to change the world, or being successful. One thing that I’ve found incredibly encouraging is that, people who may view themselves as challenged or flawed have always, since the beginning of time, been the ones who achieve the most. We may look at famous people, movie stars, athletes, business people, and say that they have everything figured out.

The truth is, it is often through finding strength in our weakness that we build character. And character prepares us to serve and to pour out ourselves out for others . I know for certain that when a passion comes out of weakness and suffering, it is very hard to deny that something special is happening.

I am proof of this. I want to tell you something very personal and I hope it is encouraging to you. As a child, I used to struggle with anxiety. It was something that was very serious for me. I would have panic attacks where my heart would start racing and I would feel like I was sick or even dying, laying on the floor and being unable to move out of fear, really for no reason. This was something that I had to work through. I found someone to talk with about it and got help, so I could grow better, but one of my biggest fears was being embarrassed in front of a group of people. You can probably see where this is going. Who was I to do something like this – speaking in front of people around the world? The kid with the anxiety disorder. Yet, I chose to take that step, to do something with my interest, and so many good things have come out of it

So what is the difference between interest and passion?

Quite simply: it’s action. It’s action.

I believe that when we care about something, and then act on it, whether we are giving money, getting educated, give our time or tell a friend. One small action can start a whole pattern of bigger actions that result in lifelong change. No one and no action is too small to make a difference. When we take that one step, and then another, and then another, we may find ourselves on a journey of a lifetime, living for a reason, and living with a passion.  That’s the kind of life I long to live. Will you join me? Our world is full of suffering, there is no shortage of problems to be solved. The world is waiting for you.

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